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Cortana Intelligence – Overview of Machine Learning and Analytics in Cortana Intelligence Suite

In the previous articles, we saw various aspects of Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite including Information Management and Big Data Stores. In this article, we will take a look at the data processing and machine learning aspects and get introduced to Machine Learning and Analytics in the Cortana Intelligence Suite.

Machine Learning and Analytics is the 3rd pillar of Cortana Intelligence Suite and deals with large scale data processing and gaining insights into the data using machine learning technologies.

Machine Learning and Analytics in the Cortana Intelligence Suite is comprised of the following four Azure offerings:

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Azure HDInsight
  • Azure Data Lake Analytics
  • Azure Machine Learning

In this article, we will look at an overview of each of the above four azure offerings.

To continue reading, catch the full article here: Overview of Machine Learning and Analytics in Cortana Intelligence Suite.