Cortana Intelligence – Overview of Intelligence Pillar in the Cortana Intelligence Suite

In the previous articles, we saw various aspects of Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite including Information Management, Big Data Stores, Machine Learning and Analytics. In this article, we will take a look at the intelligence related aspects and get introduced to some of the intelligent service offerings in the Cortana Intelligence Suite.

We have been using the traditional business intelligence systems for past few decades and big data systems for past decade to solve various business problems and to enable businesses to stay competitive in the market. However, as there is more and more data getting generated / collected, new devices and technologies being adopted at a rapid pace, there is also a need to enhance / revamp the analytics systems by making the systems more intelligent. How can we predict what could potentially happen in future to enable businesses to stay competitive in the market? This is where the intelligent offerings of Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite come to the rescue.

Following offerings are part of the Intelligence pillar of Microsoft Cortana Intelligence Suite:

  • Cognitive Services
  • Bot Framework
  • Cortana

In this article, we will look at the fourth pillar of Cortana Intelligence Suite – Intelligence Pillar.

To continue reading, catch the full article here: Overview of Intelligence Pillar in the Cortana Intelligence Suite.

About Dattatrey Sindol (Datta)

Datta is a Microsoft BI Enthusiast, passionate developer, and a blogger. View Full Profile

Posted on February 22, 2017, in Basic Concepts, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Cortana Intelligence, Windows Azure and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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